
“Cool enough to attract a mix of music lovers, sports fans, foodies, and bar enthusiasts, the Depot Tavern is by far one of, if not the, best bars in downtown.” City Pages, Best of Twin Cities 2013

“The Depot Tavern is an ideal place to get a pre-game beer and an even better place to get an anytime dog. There’s the Stadium Brat… and the awesomely messy Chili Dog… but it’s the Depot’s Diamond Dog that makes it a top hot dog destination.” City Pages, Best of Twin Cities 2012

“You’ll love it if you’re going to see a show.” Minnesota Monthly

“With the new Depot Tavern, First Avenue was hoping to create a next door bar that music fans would love. Mission accomplished.” Star Tribune

“If the Diamond Dog were a musical act,
it would be Lady Gaga, dressed to dazzle.” City Pages

“Awesome…a historic feel despite the fact that
you can still smell the fresh paint.” Gimme Noise

“Goodness gracious” Skyway My Way

“…the Depot just makes it hard for us to think that
we would ever leave First Ave…” Cake in 15

“This extension of First Avenue has really great bar food and stays open until 2 a.m. I’m always thinking of excuses why I need to order the Diamond Dog.” Pioneer Press

“Kick-ass baseball bar… Cooler than any stale basement bar you’ll find on First Avenue, the Depot is your Twins pre-drinking headquarters this baseball season.” City Pages, Best of Twin Cities 2011

“Comfort food taken up a notch…(the Diamond Dog) is everything you think it would be: tasty and intense.” Star Tribune

“…a great addition to downtown Minneapolis.”

“Bar food from a kitchen that gives a damn…” MPLS St. Paul Magazine